Asthma Inhalers

Asthma Reliever inhalers work to rapidly open up the airways and relieve the symptoms of asthma and COPD such as breathlessness, chest tightness, coughing and wheezing.

However, their effects only last a few hours. For people with mild and infrequent symptoms, a reliever can be all that is needed. For people needing to use a reliever more than twice a week, use of a different type of inhaler to better control the condition is recommended.

You can buy reliever inhalers (Salbutamol) from The GP Service making it quicker and easier for you to ensure you have the medication you need. Please complete the online consultation form to proceed. Alternatively, if you need further prescriptions for preventers, please book a video consultation with one of our doctors.

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Information about Asthma Inhalers

The most common symptoms of asthma are:
  • Wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing)
  • Breathlessness
  • A tight chest - which may feel like a band is tightening around it
  • Coughing
These symptoms can have a number of causes, but they're more likely to be asthma if they:
  • Happen often and keep coming back
  • Are worse at night and early in the morning
  • Seem to occur in response to an asthma trigger - for example, exercise or exposure to an allergen (such as pollen or animal fur)
Asthma attacks Asthma symptoms can sometimes get worse for a short time - known as an asthma attack. This can happen suddenly, or gradually over a few days. Signs of a severe asthma attack include:
  • Wheezing, coughing and chest tightness becoming severe and constant
  • Being too breathless to eat, speak or sleep
  • Breathing faster
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Drowsiness, confusion, exhaustion or dizziness
  • Blue lips or fingers
  • Fainting
If you've been diagnosed with asthma, your reliever inhaler (usually blue) may not help and your peak flow reading may be much lower than normal. The exact cause of asthma is unknown. People with asthma have inflamed (swollen) and "sensitive" airways that become narrow and clogged with sticky mucus in response to certain triggers. Factors such as a genes, air pollution, chlorine in swimming pools and modern hygiene standards have been suggested as possible causes, but there's not currently enough evidence to be certain whether any of these do cause asthma. Who's at risk? While the cause of asthma is unknown, there are a number of things that can increase your chances of developing it. These include:
  • A family history of asthma or related allergic conditions (known as atopic conditions) such as eczema, food allergy or hay fever
  • Having another atopic condition yourself
  • Having bronchiolitis (a common childhood lung infection) as a child
  • Exposure to tobacco smoke as a child
  • Your mother smoking during pregnancy
  • Being born prematurely or with a low birth weight
  • Some people may also be at risk of developing asthma through their job.
Asthma triggers Asthma symptoms often occur in response to a trigger. Common triggers include:
  • Infections - particularly infections of the upper airways, such as colds and flu
  • Allergens - including pollen, dust mites, animal fur ("dander") or feathers
  • Airborne irritants - including cigarette smoke, fumes and pollution
  • Medicines - particularly painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which include aspirin and ibuprofen, and beta-blockers
  • Emotions - including stress or laughter
  • Food additives - including sulphites (often found in pickled products, wine, beer and dried fruit) and tartrazine (a yellow food colouring)
  • Weather conditions - including sudden changes in temperature, cold air, windy days, thunderstorms and hot, humid days
  • Indoor conditions - including mould or damp and chemicals in carpets and flooring materials
  • Exercise
  • Food allergies - including allergies to nuts and other foods
Once you know your triggers, trying to avoid them may help control your asthma symptoms. Treatment Reliever inhalers Reliever inhalers, which are usually blue, are taken when needed to relieve asthma symptoms quickly. They normally contain a medicine called a short-acting beta2-agonist, which widens the airways and makes breathing easier. They typically work for no more than 15 minutes or so. Everyone with asthma should have a reliever inhaler, although you ideally shouldn't need to use it very often. You may not need it at all if you are using a regular preventer inhaler (see below). Speak to your GP or asthma nurse if you need to use it three or more times a week, as this means a preventer inhaler (see below) may be needed. Reliever inhalers are generally very safe medicines and have few side effects as long as they're not used too much. After using the inhaler, some people may experience:
  • Mild shaking of the hands (tremors)
  • Headaches
  • Muscle cramps
  • A fast, pounding or fluttering heartbeat (palpitations)
These side effects aren't dangerous and should pass within a few minutes. Preventer inhalers Preventer inhalers, which are usually brown or orange, are used twice or occasionally once a day to stop asthma symptoms occurring. They contain inhaled steroid medication, which works by reducing the inflammation (swelling) and sensitivity of the airways. Preventer inhalers are usually recommended if you have asthma symptoms more than twice a week. It's important to use them regularly even if you don't have symptoms, because they keep the inflammation in the breathing tubes under control, and this can get worse again if you stop using your inhaler. Preventer inhalers don't work straight away, so you'll need to keep using your reliever inhaler to begin with. You may also need to use your reliever inhaler if you do experience any occasional symptoms. Speak to your GP or asthma nurse if you continue to have frequent symptoms while using a preventer inhaler. Preventer inhalers are very safe at usual doses, but they can cause side effects at high doses, especially with long-term use. Possible side effects include:
  • A fungal infection of the mouth or throat (oral thrush)
  • A hoarse voice
  • A sore throat
Using a spacer (see How to use your inhaler below) can help prevent these side effects, as can rinsing your mouth or cleaning your teeth after using your inhaler. Other treatments If your symptoms aren't well controlled with reliever and preventer inhalers, you may need one or more of the treatments below. Long-acting reliever inhalers Long-acting reliever inhalers work in the same way as normal reliever inhalers, but their effects can last for up to 12 hours so they can be used less often. They usually contain a medicine called a long-acting reliever (long-acting bronchodilator/long-acting beta2-agonist). Long-acting reliever inhalers are always used alongside preventer inhalers, often in a single combined inhaler. This can allow your preventer dose to be lowered, while still keeping your symptoms under control. Combination inhalers are usually purple, maroon or red. Long-acting relievers can cause similar side effects to short-acting relievers, such as temporary shaking or cramps. It's important never to take a long-acting reliever on its own without a preventer. This may temporarily relieve your symptoms, while allowing the inflammation in the breathing tubes to build up, which could result in a sudden severe asthma attack. Tablets If you still have symptoms despite using a preventer inhaler and a long-acting reliever inhaler, your doctor may suggest taking tablets to control your symptoms. The main tablets used for asthma are:
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists - taken once a day to stop the airways becoming inflamed (syrup and powder forms are also available)
  • Theophyllines - taken twice a day to help widen the airways
  • Steroid tablets - see below
Leukotriene receptor agonists can cause tummy (abdominal) pain and headaches. Side effects of theophylline tablets include nausea, vomiting, tremors and palpitations. Different people require different doses of theophylline for it to work best. Your GP will periodically measure the level of medication in your blood to check it's not too high or too low. If it's too low, the medication may not work, and if it's too high, side effects are more likely. Steroid tablets If your asthma is still not under control, an asthma specialist may prescribe regular steroid tablets. Steroids are powerful medicines that can reduce inflammation in the airways. They can be used in two ways:
  • As an immediate, short-term treatment if you have occasional severe asthma attacks
  • As a long-term treatment if other medications don't control your symptoms well enough
Long-term or frequent use of steroid tablets can cause side effects, such as:
  • Osteoporosis (fragile bones)
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Increased appetite, leading to weight gain
  • Cataracts and glaucoma
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Easy bruising
  • Muscle weakness, especially around the thighs and shoulders
  • Mood changes
With the exception of increased appetite, which is a very common side effect, most of these unwanted effects are uncommon. You'll be monitored regularly while taking steroid tablets to check for signs of any problems. How to use your inhaler Not using inhalers correctly and/or forgetting to take asthma medication regularly are the main reasons people with asthma struggle to control their symptoms. Your doctor or asthma nurse will show you how to use your inhaler properly, or how to help your child use theirs. Types of inhaler There are several different inhalers available, which are used in slightly different ways. The two main types are:
  • Pressurised canisters - you press the inhaler while breathing in and it releases a spray of medicine into your lungs (these are sometimes used with a device called a spacer - see below)
  • Dry powder inhalers - non-pressurised devices that release powdered medication when you breathe in quickly and forcefully
Pressurised containers can be used by most people with asthma. Dry powder inhalers may not be suitable for people who find it difficult to inhale sharply and forcefully, such as young children, the frail and elderly, and those with persistent breathing difficulties. It's important to ensure that you use your inhaler correctly, as this will make it easier to control your symptoms and will reduce the risk of any side effects. Spacers Pressurised canister inhalers can work better if used with a spacer - a hollow plastic tube or container with a mouthpiece at one end and a hole for the inhaler at the other. When using a spacer, the spray from the inhaler is released into the container, where it's held while you breathe in very slowly until your lungs are full. You then hold your breath for a few seconds so the medicine settles in your lungs. Benefits of spacers include:
  • they can make inhalers more effective because more of the medicine reaches the lungs
  • less medicine stays in the mouth or is swallowed, so problems such as oral thrush are less likely to occur
  • they're easier to use for children who may otherwise find it difficult to use an inhaler correctly
  • a face mask can be attached to the mouthpiece to make it easier for very young children to breathe in the medicine
Spacers are usually recommended for children with asthma, but they should ideally be used by everyone who uses a preventer spray inhaler, especially if they need to take high doses. Looking after yourself Take your medication regularly and properly; It's important to take any prescribed medication regularly, as this can help keep your symptoms under control and prevent severe asthma attacks. It's also important to use any inhalers and spacers you may have been prescribed properly. Make sure your GP or practice nurse shows you how to use your inhalers correctly. Check with your doctor or asthma nurse if you plan to take any over-the-counter remedies, such as painkillers or nutritional supplements. These can sometimes interfere with your medication. Some common medicines, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, may not be suitable if you have asthma. Always check the label or packet and ask a pharmacist, doctor or nurse if you're not sure. Speak to your doctor or asthma nurse if you have any concerns about the medication you're taking, or if you're experiencing any side effects. Stop smoking If you have asthma and you smoke, stopping smoking can significantly reduce how severe and frequent your symptoms are. If you think you need help to stop smoking, you can contact NHS Smokefree for free advice and support. You may also want to talk to your GP about the stop smoking medications available. Exercise regularly Exercising regularly is as important for people with asthma as everyone else. Aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week, such as fast walking or cycling. Although exercise can sometimes trigger your symptoms, this shouldn't happen once you're on appropriate treatment. If you or your child has symptoms during or after exercise, speak to your doctor or asthma nurse. They may consider updating your personal asthma plan to help you keep your symptoms under control. You may also be advised to:
  • Make sure the people you are exercising with know you have asthma
  • Always have your reliever inhaler with you when you exercise
  • Use your reliever inhaler immediately before you warm up
  • Ensure that you always warm up and down thoroughly
If you have symptoms while you're exercising, stop what you're doing, take your reliever inhaler and wait until you feel better before starting again. Eat healthily Most people with asthma can eat a normal, healthy diet. Along with regular exercise, this can help you maintain a healthy weight, which may help keep your asthma symptoms under control, as well as reduce your risk of other health problems. Some people may have food allergies that trigger their symptoms and will need to avoid these foods, but this is uncommon. Get vaccinated Certain infections can trigger your symptoms if you have asthma. Everyone with asthma is encouraged to have the annual flu jab and the one-off pneumococcal vaccination. You can get these vaccinations at your GP surgery or a local pharmacy that offers a vaccination service. Getting a good night's sleep Asthma symptoms are often worse at night. You might wake up some nights coughing or with a tight chest. If your child has asthma, poor sleep can affect their behaviour and concentration, as well as their ability to learn. Effectively controlling asthma with the treatment your doctor or nurse recommends should help. But speak to them if you're having trouble getting to sleep. Regular reviews and monitoring You'll have regular contact with your care team to monitor your condition. These appointments may involve:
  • talking about your symptoms - such as whether they're affecting your normal activities or are getting worse
  • a discussion about your medication - including whether you think you might be experiencing any side effects and whether you need to be reminded how to use your inhaler correctly
  • breathing tests
It's also a good opportunity to ask any questions you have or raise any other issues you'd like to discuss with your doctor or asthma nurse. You may be asked to help monitor your condition between appointments. For example, you may be advised to check your peak flow reading if you think your symptoms may be getting worse. Your personal action plan should say what to do if your symptoms get gradually or suddenly worse. Contact your doctor or asthma nurse if you're not sure what to do. Cold weather and asthma Cold weather is a common trigger for asthma symptoms. Asthma UK advises the following measures to help you keep your symptoms controlled in the cold: Carry your reliever inhaler with you at all times and keep taking your regular preventer inhaler as prescribed by your doctor. If you need to use your inhaler more often than usual, speak to your doctor about reviewing your medication.
  • Keep warm and dry - wear gloves, a scarf and a hat, and carry an umbrella.
  • Wrap a scarf loosely over your nose and mouth - this will help to warm up the air before you breathe it in.
  • Try breathing in through your nose instead of your mouth as your nose warms the air as you breathe in.
Travelling with asthma Asthma shouldn't stop you from travelling, but you will need to take extra precautions when going on holidays and long trips. You'll need to make sure you have enough of your medication with you and keep your reliever inhaler where you can get to it easily. If you've not seen your doctor or asthma nurse for a while, it's a good idea to see them before you travel to review your personal action plan and make sure it's up-to-date. Your doctor or asthma nurse can also advise you about travelling with asthma. Pregnancy and asthma Asthma doesn't affect your chances of having children and the vast majority of women with asthma will have a normal pregnancy. Generally speaking, the treatment for pregnant women with asthma is the same as normal. Most asthma medicines - particularly inhalers - are considered safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding. But speak to your doctor or asthma nurse for advice if you become pregnant or are planning a pregnancy because:

  • Your symptoms may get worse during pregnancy (although some women find they improve), so your treatment may need to be reviewed regularly
  • Poorly controlled asthma in pregnancy can increase the risk of complications such as pre-eclampsia, premature birth and restricted growth of the baby in the womb
  • Extra precautions may need to be taken during labour to avoid an asthma attack (although attacks during labour are rare)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a group of lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties. It includes:
  • Emphysema - damage to the air sacs in the lungs
  • Chronic bronchitis - long-term inflammation of the airways
COPD is a common condition that mainly affects middle-aged or older adults who smoke. Many people don't realise they have it. The breathing problems tend to get gradually worse over time and can limit your normal activities, although treatment can help keep the condition under control. Symptoms of COPD The main symptoms of COPD are:
  • Increasing breathlessness, particularly when you're active
  • A persistent chesty cough with phlegm - some people may dismiss this as just a "smoker's cough"
  • Frequent chest infections
  • Persistent wheezing
Without treatment, the symptoms usually get slowly worse. There may also be periods when they get suddenly worse, known as a flare-up or exacerbation. When to get medical advice See your GP if you have persistent symptoms of COPD, particularly if you're over 35 and smoke or used to smoke. Don't ignore the symptoms. If they're caused by COPD, it's best to start treatment as soon as possible, before your lungs become significantly damaged. Your GP will ask about your symptoms and whether you smoke or have smoked in the past. They can organise a breathing test to help diagnose COPD and rule out other lung conditions, such as asthma. Causes of COPD COPD occurs when the lungs become inflamed, damaged and narrowed. The main cause is smoking, although the condition can sometimes affect people who have never smoked. The likelihood of developing COPD increases the more you smoke and the longer you've smoked. Some cases of COPD are caused by long-term exposure to harmful fumes or dust, or occur as a result of a rare genetic problem that means the lungs are more vulnerable to damage. Treatments for COPD The damage to the lungs caused by COPD is permanent, but treatment can help slow down the progression of the condition. Treatments include:
  • Stopping smoking - if you have COPD and you smoke, this is the most important thing you can do
  • Inhalers and medications - to help make breathing easier
  • Pulmonary rehabilitation - a specialised programme of exercise and education
  • Surgery or a lung transplant - although this is only an option for a very small number of people
Outlook for COPD The outlook for COPD varies from person to person. The condition can't be cured or reversed, but for many people treatment can help keep it under control so it doesn't severely limit their daily activities. But in some people COPD may continue to get worse despite treatment, eventually having a significant impact on their quality of life and leading to life-threatening problems. Preventing COPD COPD is largely a preventable condition. You can significantly reduce your chances of developing it if you avoid smoking. If you already smoke, stopping can help prevent further damage to your lungs before it starts to cause troublesome symptoms. If you think you need help to stop smoking, you can contact NHS Smokefree for free advice and support. You may also want to talk to your GP about the stop smoking medications available. Read more about advice about stopping smoking or find a stop smoking service near you. Symptoms Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) makes breathing increasingly more difficult. But it develops slowly over many years and you may not be aware you have it at first. Most people with COPD don't have any noticeable symptoms until they reach their late 40s or 50s. Main symptoms Common symptoms of COPD include:
  • Increasing breathlessness - this may just occur when exercising at first, and you may sometimes wake up at night feeling breathless
  • A persistent chesty cough with phlegm that never seems to go away
  • Frequent chest infections
  • Persistent wheezing
The symptoms will usually get gradually worse over time and make daily activities increasingly difficult, although treatment can help slow the progression. Sometimes there may be periods when your symptoms get suddenly worse - known as a flare-up or exacerbation. It's common to have a few flare-ups a year, particularly during the winter. Other symptoms Less common symptoms of COPD include:
  • Weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen ankles from a build-up of fluid (oedema)
  • Chest pain and coughing up blood - although these are usually signs of another condition, such as a chest infection or possibly lung cancer
These additional symptoms only tend to occur when COPD reaches a more advanced stage. When to get medical advice See your GP if you have persistent symptoms of COPD, particularly if you're over 35 and smoke or used to smoke. There are several conditions that cause similar symptoms, such as asthma, bronchiectasis, anaemia and heart failure. A simple breathing test can help determine if you have COPD. While there's currently no cure for COPD, the sooner treatment begins, the less chance there is of severe lung damage. Other Causes of COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) occurs when the lungs and airways become damaged and inflamed. It's usually associated with long-term exposure to harmful substances such as cigarette smoke. Things that can increase your risk of developing COPD are outlined below. Smoking Smoking is the main cause of COPD and is thought to be responsible for around 9 in every 10 cases. The harmful chemicals in smoke can damage the lining of the lungs and airways. Stopping smoking can help stop COPD getting worse. Some research has also suggested that being exposed to other people's smoke (passive smoking) may increase your risk of COPD. Fumes and dust at work Exposure to certain types of dust and chemicals at work may damage the lungs and increase your risk of COPD. Substances that have been linked to COPD include:
  • Cadmium dust and fumes
  • Grain and flour dust
  • Silica dust
  • Welding fumes
  • Isocyanates
  • Coal dust
The risk of COPD is even higher if you breathe in dust or fumes in the workplace and you smoke. The Health and Safety Executive has more information about occupational causes of COPD. Air pollution Exposure to air pollution over a long period can affect how well the lungs work and some research has suggested it could increase your risk of COPD. But at the moment the link between air pollution and COPD isn't conclusive and research is continuing. Genetics You're more likely to develop COPD if you smoke and have a close relative with the condition, suggesting some people's genes may make them more vulnerable to the condition. Around 1 in 100 people with COPD has a genetic tendency to develop COPD called alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Alpha-1-antitrypsin is a substance that protects your lungs. Without it, the lungs are more vulnerable to damage. People who have an alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency usually develop COPD at a younger age, often under 35 - particularly if they smoke. Diagnosis See your GP if you have persistent symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Your GP may:
  • Ask about your symptoms
  • Examine your chest and listen to your breathing with a stethoscope
  • Ask whether you smoke or used to smoke
  • Calculate your body mass index (BMI) using your weight and height
  • Ask if you have a family history of lung problems
They may also carry out or arrange for you to have a breathing test called spirometry and some of the other tests described below. Spirometry A test called spirometry can help show how well your lungs are working. You'll be asked to breathe into a machine called a spirometer after inhaling a medication called a bronchodilator, which helps widen your airways. The spirometer takes two measurements: the volume of air you can breathe out in one second, and the total amount of air you breathe out. You may be asked to breathe out a few times to get a consistent reading. The readings are compared with normal results for your age, which can show if your airways are obstructed. Chest X-ray A chest X-ray can be used to look for problems in the lungs that can cause similar symptoms to COPD. Problems that can show up on an X-ray include chest infections and lung cancer, although these don't always show up. Blood tests A blood test can pick up other conditions that can cause similar symptoms to COPD, such as low iron levels (anaemia) and a high concentration of red blood cells in your blood (polycythaemia). Sometimes a blood test may also be carried out to see if you have alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. This is a rare genetic problem that increases your risk of COPD. Further tests Sometimes more tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis or determine the severity of your COPD. This will help you and your doctor plan your treatment. These tests may include:
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) - a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart
  • An echocardiogram - an ultrasound scan of the heart
  • A peak flow test - a breathing test that measures how fast you can breathe out, which can help rule out asthma
  • A blood oxygen test - a peg-like device is attached to your finger to measure the level of oxygen in your blood
  • A computerised tomography (CT) scan - a detailed scan that can help identify any problems in your lungs
  • A phlegm sample - a sample of your phlegm (sputum) may be tested to check for signs of a chest infection
Treatment Stop smoking If you smoke, stopping is the most effective way to prevent COPD getting worse. Although any damage done to the lungs and airways can't be reversed, giving up smoking can help prevent further damage. This may be all the treatment that's needed in the early stages of COPD, but it's never too late to stop - even people with more advanced COPD are likely to benefit from quitting. If you think you need help to stop smoking, you can contact NHS Smokefree for free advice and support. You may also want to talk to your GP about the stop smoking medications available. Inhalers If your COPD is affecting your breathing, you'll usually be given an inhaler. This is a device that delivers medication directly into your lungs as you breathe in. Your doctor or nurse will advise how to use your inhaler correctly and how often to use it. There are several different types of inhaler for COPD. The main types are described below. Short-acting bronchodilator inhalers For most people with COPD, short-acting bronchodilator inhalers are the first treatment used. Bronchodilators are medications that make breathing easier by relaxing and widening your airways. There are two types of short-acting bronchodilator inhaler:
  • beta-2 agonist inhalers - such as salbutamol and terbutaline
  • antimuscarinic inhalers - such as ipratropium
Short-acting inhalers should be used when you feel breathless, up to a maximum of four times a day. Long-acting bronchodilator inhalers If you experience symptoms regularly throughout the day, a long-acting bronchodilator inhaler will be recommended instead. This works in a similar way to a short-acting bronchodilator, but each dose lasts for at least 12 hours, so they only need to be used once or twice a day. There are two types of long-acting bronchodilator inhaler:
  • beta-2 agonist inhalers - such as salmeterol, formoterol and indacaterol
  • antimuscarinic inhalers - such as tiotropium, glycopyronium and aclidinium
Some new inhalers contain a combination of a long-acting beta-2 agonist and antimuscarinic. Steroid inhalers If you're still getting breathless when taking long-acting inhalers or have frequent flare-ups (exacerbations), your GP may suggest including a steroid inhaler as part of your treatment. Steroid inhalers contain corticosteroid medication, which can help reduce the inflammation in your airways. Steroid inhalers are normally prescribed as part of a combination inhaler that also includes one of the long-acting medications mentioned above. Medication If your symptoms aren't controlled with inhalers, your doctor may recommend taking tablets or capsules as well. The main medications used are described below. Theophylline tablets Theophylline is a tablet that relaxes and opens up the airways. It's usually taken twice a day. You may need to have regular blood tests during treatment to check the level of medication in your blood. This will help your doctor work out the best dose to control your symptoms while reducing the risk of side effects. Possible side effects include: • feeling and being sick • headaches • difficulty sleeping (insomnia) • noticeable pounding, fluttering or irregular heartbeats (palpitations) Sometimes a similar medication called aminophylline is also used. Mucolytic tablets or capsules If you have a persistent chesty cough with lots of thick phlegm, your doctor may recommend taking a mucolytic medication called carbocisteine. Mucolytic medications make the phlegm in your throat thinner and easier to cough up. They're taken as a tablet or capsule, usually three times a day. Steroid tablets If you have a particularly bad flare-up, you may be prescribed a short course of steroid tablets to reduce the inflammation in your airways. A 7 to 14-day course of treatment is usually recommended, as long-term use of steroid tablets can cause troublesome side effects such as:
  • weight gain
  • mood swings
  • weakened bones (osteoporosis)
Your doctor may give you a supply of steroid tablets to keep at home and take as soon as you start to experience a bad flare-up. Longer courses of steroid tablets must be prescribed by a COPD specialist. You'll be given the lowest effective dose and monitored closely for side effects. Antibiotics Your doctor may prescribe a short course of antibiotics if you have signs of a chest infection, such as:
  • Coughing up yellow or green phlegm
  • A high temperature (fever)
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Feeling confused and disorientated
Sometimes you may be given a course of antibiotics to keep at home and take as soon as you experience symptoms of an infection. Pulmonary rehabilitation Pulmonary rehabilitation is a specialised programme of exercise and education designed to help people with lung problems such as COPD. It can help improve how much exercise you're able to do before you feel out of breath, as well as your symptoms, self-confidence and emotional wellbeing. Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes usually involve two or more group sessions a week for at least six weeks. A typical programme includes:
  • Physical exercise training tailored to your needs and ability - such as walking, cycling and strength exercises
  • Education about your condition for you and your family
  • Dietary advice
  • Psychological and emotional support
The programmes are provided by a number of different healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists, nurse specialists and dietitians. Other treatments If you have severe symptoms or experience a particularly bad flare-up, you may sometimes need additional treatment. Nebulised medication Nebulised medication may be used in severe cases of COPD if inhalers haven't worked. This is where a machine is used to turn liquid medication into a fine mist that you breathe in through a mouthpiece or a facemask. It enables a large dose of medicine to be taken in one go. You'll usually be given a nebuliser device to use at home after being shown how to use it. Long-term oxygen therapy If your COPD results in a low level of oxygen in your blood, you may be advised to have oxygen at home through nasal tubes or a mask. This can help stop the level of oxygen in your blood becoming dangerously low, although it's not a treatment for the main symptoms of COPD, such as breathlessness. Take your medication It's important to take any prescribed medication, including inhalers, as this can help prevent bad flare-ups. It's also a good idea to read the information leaflet that comes with your medication about possible interactions with other medicines or supplements. Check with your care team if you plan to take any over-the-counter remedies, such as painkillers or nutritional supplements. These can sometimes interfere with your medication. Also, speak to your care team if you have any concerns about the medication you're taking or you're experiencing any side effects. Stop smoking If you smoke, stopping can help slow down or prevent further damage to your lungs. Help is available from your GP and NHS stop smoking services. Exercise regularly Exercising regularly can help improve your symptoms and quality of life. The amount of exercise you can do will depend on your individual circumstances. Exercising until you're a little breathless isn't dangerous, but don't push yourself too far. It's a good idea to speak to your GP for advice before starting a new exercise programme if your symptoms are severe or you haven't exercised in a while. You may be advised to participate in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme, which will include a structured exercise plan tailored to your needs and ability. Maintain a healthy weight Carrying extra weight can make breathlessness worse, so it's a good idea to lose weight through a combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet if you're overweight. Alternatively, some people with COPD find that they lose weight. Eating food high in protein and taking in enough calories is important to maintain a healthy weight. You may see a dietitian as part of a pulmonary rehabilitation programme if necessary. Get vaccinated COPD can put a significant strain on your body and mean you're more vulnerable to infections. Everyone with COPD is encouraged to have the annual flu jab and the one-off pneumococcal vaccination. You can get these vaccinations at your GP surgery or a local pharmacy that offers a vaccination service. Check the weather Cold spells and periods of hot weather and humidity can cause breathing problems if you have COPD. It's a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast and make sure you have enough of your medication to hand in case your symptoms get temporarily worse. The Met Office has cold weather alerts during the winter, which can warn you about cold spells. Watch what you breathe There are certain things that should be avoided if possible to reduce COPD symptoms and the chances of a flare-up, including:
  • Dusty places
  • Fumes, such as car exhausts
  • Smoke
  • Air freshener sprays or plug-ins
  • Strong-smelling cleaning products (unless there's plenty of ventilation)
  • Hairspray
  • Perfume
Regular reviews and monitoring You'll have regular contact with your care team to monitor your condition. These appointments may involve:
  • Talking about your symptoms - such as whether they're affecting your normal activities or are getting worse
  • A discussion about your medication - including whether you think you might be experiencing any side effects
  • Tests to monitor your health
It's also a good opportunity to ask any questions you have or raise any other issues you'd like to discuss with your care team. Contact your GP or care team if your symptoms get suddenly worse or you develop new symptoms between your check-ups. Breathing techniques There are various breathing techniques that some people find helpful for breathlessness. These include breathing control, which involves breathing gently using the least effort, with the shoulders supported. This can help when people with COPD feel short of breath. Breathing techniques for people who are more active include:
  • Relaxed, slow, deep breathing
  • Breathing through pursed lips, as if whistling
  • Breathing out hard when doing an activity that needs a big effort
  • Paced breathing, using a rhythm in time with the activity, such as climbing stairs
If you have a chesty cough that produces a lot of phlegm, you may be taught a specific technique to help you clear your airways called the active cycle breathing technique. Talk to others If you have questions about your condition and treatment, your GP or nurse may be able to reassure you. You may also find it helpful to talk to a trained counsellor or psychologist, or someone at a specialist helpline. Your GP surgery will have information about these. Some people find it helpful to talk to other people who have COPD, either at a local support group or in an internet chat room. Your sex life As COPD progresses, the increasing breathlessness can make it difficult to take part in strenuous activities. The breathlessness may occur during sexual activity, which may mean your sex life can suffer. Talk to your partner and stay open-minded. Explore what you both like sexually. Simply touching, being touched and being close to someone helps a person feel loved and special. Your doctor, nurse or physiotherapist may also be able to suggest ways to help manage breathlessness during sex. Flying with COPD If you have COPD and are planning to fly, go to your GP for a fitness-to-fly assessment. This involves checking your breathing using spirometry and measuring your oxygen levels. Before travelling, remember to pack all your medication, such as inhalers, in your hand luggage. If you're using oxygen therapy, tell your travel operator and airline before you book your holiday, as you may need to get a medical form from your GP. If you're using long-term oxygen therapy, you'll need to make sure you have an adequate oxygen supply for your flight as well as for your time abroad. Airlines generally don't allow you to bring oxygen cylinders with you, but may permit portable oxygen concentrator devices. End of life care COPD is a serious condition that can eventually reach a stage where it becomes life threatening. Talking about this and planning your end of life care, also called palliative care, in advance can be helpful. It can be difficult to talk about dying with your doctor, and particularly with family and friends, but many people find it helps. Support is also available for your family and friends. It may be helpful to discuss which symptoms you may have as you become more seriously ill, and the treatments available to reduce these. As COPD progresses, your doctor should work with you to establish a clear management plan based on your wishes. This will include whether you would prefer to go to hospital or a hospice, or be looked after at home as you become more ill. You may want to discuss drawing up an advance decision, also called a living will, which sets out your wishes for treatment if you become too ill to be consulted. This might include whether you want to be resuscitated if you stop breathing, and whether you want artificial ventilation to be continued.
What can I expect from asthma treatment? The aim of asthma management is to control of the disease, which means symptoms are well-controlled and have little to no impact on daily life. Complete control is defined as: o No daytime symptoms. o No night-time waking due to asthma. o No need for rescue medication. o No asthma attacks. o No limitations on activity including exercise. o Normal lung function (FEV1 and/or PEF > 80% predicted or best). o Minimal side-effects from medication.
1. If you have asthma you should have a review of your symptoms every year, to see if any adjustments need to be made to your treatment. This can be done through your own surgery or by speaking to one of our doctors [here]. You can take the Asthma Control Test to see how well controlled your symptoms are. [link] 2. Getting your inhaler technique right is very important to ensure the medication reaches the right part of your lungs. Asthma UK has some useful videos to help you check your technique 3. A personalised action plan can help you stay in control of your asthma. Asthma UK has a template which you can talk through with a doctor [click here to book an appointment] 4. If you have asthma you are entitled to a free annual flu vaccination. This is important in protecting you from catching flu which could make your breathing worse 5. It is helpful to understand the things that trigger your asthma or make it worse, such as air pollution, smoke, pollen and other allergens or medications such as beta blockers and NSAIDs (e.g. aspirin/ibuprofen) 6. Stopping smoking is really important if you have asthma. Our doctors can help you with this or see 7. If you are overweight, losing weight can also help with your breathing. 8. If you feel your asthma is getting you down or making you feel anxious, we can help. Talk to one of our doctors or your own GP for further advice.
1. If you have COPD you should have a review of your symptoms every year, to see if any adjustments need to be made to your treatment. This can be done through your own surgery or by speaking to one of our doctors [here]. You can take the COPD assessment test to see how well your symptoms are controlled [link to COPD assessment test] 2. Stopping smoking is really important if you have COPD. Our doctors can help you with this or see 3. If you have COPD you are entitled to a free annual flu vaccination. This is important in protecting you from catching flu which could make your breathing worse or lead to a serious chest infection 4. Getting your inhaler technique right is very important to ensure the medication reaches the right part of your lungs. Asthma UK has some useful videos to help you check your technique 5. A personalised action plan can help you stay in control of your COPD. Asthma UK has a template which you can talk through with a doctor [click here to book an appointment]. It often involves having a ‘rescue pack’ of antibiotics and steroids at home and knowing when to use them to nip a chest infection in the bud 6. If you are overweight, losing weight can also help with your breathing. 7. It is helpful to understand the things that make your COPD worse, such as air pollution, smoke, pollen and other allergens or medications such as beta blockers and NSAIDs (e.g. aspirin/ibuprofen) 8. Evidence shows that people with long-term health conditions such as COPD are more likely to experience low mood, depression and anxiety. If you feel your condition is getting your down, we can help. Book an appointment with a doctor today.

Treatment Options

Ventolin Evohaler

From  £15.99

Salamol Easi-Breathe

From  £21.99

How Our Service Works


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If approved, prescription is sent electronically to your
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