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Survive Flu Season With The GP Service

Survive Flu Season With The GP Service

The Flu Season has seemingly started a little earlier than anticipated this year, with many falling ill during the middle of September. As we quickly approach the months that flu activity typically peaks, we are forced to consider how we can prevent contracting the dreaded flu.

Guaranteed Doctors’ Appointments – Even During Flu Season!

As the peak season draws in like those glorious summer evenings, the local GP surgeries become increasingly more saturated. Getting the relief you require, whether that be flu related or not can become very distressing, especially if you are need of a Doctor’s appointment.

Did you know that it may take up to 10 days to get a Doctor’s appointment during flu season?

Save yourself from discomfort and speak to one of our UK registered Online Doctors today!

How to prevent getting the flu

Get your flu vaccine

If you are at risk of getting the unpredictable flu virus, then organizing to get your flu vaccine is the best preventative action to take. Groups at risk include young children aged 2 to 17, pregnant women and adults 65 and over. Although the flu vaccine will not stop all flu viruses and the level of protection may vary from person to person, by having the vaccine you are likely to experience a much milder and short-lived flu than if you were to not have it.

Talk to one of The GP Service’s Online Doctors today for more information

Keep It Healthy

Although a healthy lifestyle is something we aim to have in check all year round, it can be easily overlooked as we approach the winter. Darker evenings and colder weather can encourage hibernation tendencies and the healthy lifestyle goes out of the window! Aim to get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week alongside a healthy diet to ensure you keep your health on track for the winter.

Avoid infected partners/work colleagues

If you find yourself in close proximity to a partner or work colleague that is suffering from the flu, it can feel like the flu is inevitable, but there are some steps that you can take to help prevent contracting the flu.

  1. Wash your hands after touching any communal surfaces
  2. Clean communal surfaces at least once a day
  3. Keep your hands away from your face.
  4. Distance yourself from infected people
  5. Change bed linens if you are sharing a bed with an infected partner
  6. Store your toothbrush away from rouge sneezes

Worried that you may be getting the flu? Speak to our Online Doctor today!


Getting those 7-8 hours of shut eye is always important, but especially so in the colder months. When the body is sleep deprived the immune systems response network is suppressed, meaning that the body develops fewer antibodies and it takes longer for the body to respond to immunizations like the flu vaccine. Skipping a few hours in the short term can result in longtime suffering, so ensure that you are getting the rest your body needs to see you through the winter months.

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