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How To Stay Healthy This Winter

Winter is here and apparently, there’s more snow coming our way! If you’re prone to illness this is a huge worry for you, as you know winter brings colds or flu’s and can aggravate other conditions. The reason we’re more prone to sickness during winter is because the cold weather weakens our immune system, making us more vulnerable. So, how can you protect yourself from the worst winter can throw at you? Follow our tips so you can be the healthiest you, this cold spell.


• Get a good night’s sleep

Winter can make you feel tired and run down making you want to hibernate. Being run down puts you at a higher risk for sickness. Make sure to get enough sleep and keep a consistent sleep schedule to keep you in top condition. Especially if you feel an illness coming on, be sure to get extra rest.
If you’re feeling low due to the cold weather and long nights then maybe check out our article on Seasonal Affective Disorder.

• Eat enough Vitamins

During cold weather, you crave comfort foods, which are often fatty or heavy on the carbohydrates. But be sure to stick to your healthy diet, getting regular fruits and vegetable, your body will need the nutrients to fight off winter flu and ailments.

• Keep up the exercise

When its cold out it can be tempting to stay in and snuggle up, but keep on top of your exercise regime. Whether you take a lovely winter walk or your favourite gym class, getting out and being active will boosts your immune system! If you can’t brave the cold try some indoor activities, there are lots of workouts to try online.

• Remember your Anti-bac

To avoid picking up viruses, make sure to wash your hands more often, and carry around a hand sanitiser gel when you head out. Be sure to clean your hands before you touch your nose and mouth to prevent you catching an illness.

• Stay happy

A positive attitude and optimism supposedly boosts the immune system! Studies are mixed on this, but it can’t hurt to watch your favourite comedy or catch up with a friend who always cheers you up.

• Drink enough water

Water keeps your body ticking over and is essential to all of the bodies functions. Including fighting off viruses and other illnesses. Drinking plenty of water also helps your body to flush out toxins.


If you’re worried about any health issues this winter but don’t want to head out into the cold and make it worse,

then speak to a registered doctor from the warmth of your own home with The GP Service.
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